Did you know that Garnet, January’s birthstone, inspires love and devotion? ❤️ A perfect sentiment in anticipation of Valentine’s day.
The ancient’s associated garnet’s red color with the heart and blood, thus people believed garnet’s mystical powers countered melancholy, inspired love, prevented hemorrhage, and improved circulation. 💃
Most people associate garnet with red garnet, also known as Pyrope Garnet, one of the many garnet families. But did you know that garnet comes in many colors? 😯
Read more to find out about this colorful mystical gemstone and explore garnet jewelry in all its colors.
Rhodolite Garnet
Rhodolite Garnet is the purplish red variety of garnet and one of the most beautiful. Its wine color has been preferred by ancients and nobility through the ages.
This stunning ethically sourced rhodolite garnet ring by Sandrine B. Jewelry sits on a throne of 18k carved gold showing off its magic from every angle.
Tsavorite Garnet
Tsavorite Garnet is a green variety of garnet hailing from Africa and first discovered in Tanzania in 1967. It is increasingly rare and desired.
Wear tsavorite jewelry near the heart to help you recognize your own blessings and to work to attain what is missing.
Coupled with the snake motif, Ruth Edelson, sets a marquise tsavorite gemstone on the head of her snake ring. The rich texture in 18k glistening gold mimics a snakes scales.
Mandarin Garnet
Discovered in Namibia in the 1990’s, Mandarin Garnet is a rare gem highly desired for its vibrant eye catching color, brilliance, and hardness.
A collector’s stone, and jewelry designer favorite, this January birthstone can be seen in these limited edition peek-a-boo hoops by Mejia Jewelry. The sensual curves of the high karat 18k gold hoops are the perfect contrast with the bright sunny orange of mandarin garnet.
Spessartite Garnet
Usually orange to reddish brown, spessartine or spessartine garnets are durable incredible gemstones that you can also find as blends with other garnet species. These blends include the very rare Mandarin and Malaya garnet as well as color change garnets.
A true spessartite garnet color is a lighter orange as seen in Laura Caspi's hex ring. A spicy shade of orange mixed with peach and pink, Laura's design is timeless and easy to wear.
Did you learn something new? What is your favorite garnet color?